

gde.tips is a game incubator for anyone who wants to create games!

includes game-dev-education.com as a gaming education platform for sharing and disseminating knowledge about game design, game mechanics, and everything related to mobile and computer games.


Straitjacket Entertainment
Lužánky - leisure center Brno


for past 6 years we have grinded development of "planet gula", the game – and we had no marketing and overall drive to address wider audiences.

We have started facebook, twitter, youtube and as always, after few weeks all of it have faded out,

We rather coded game, than cookin' some marketing rubbish.
jerzak, straitjacket entertainment

Sometime in y2019 Honza said to himself,

A problem just pop up...

I have several prototype of games and I do not have the opportunity to give it to the people to download it. And get feedback quickly.

Also I don't want to push it through the official sjet-company channels, because

So what now?!

A more than year has passed,

About a month of web development later....

And now...

it's up to you! – will u join us?

     . . . then fill out, our form.